Sunday, October 7, 2012

Intent to Earn the Novice Badge for the Virtual School MOOC

This post is announcing my intent to earn the novice badge for this MOOC. Below you will find the links to my blog activities:

Week 1a-

Week 1b-

Week 2a-

Week 2b-

Week 3a-

Week 3b-

Week 4a-

Week 4b-

Summary of Concluding the Introduction to K-12 Online Learning Research MOOC

This weeks topic discussed the fact that there is not a lot of empirical research available for online learning environments. I feel that even though online learning has been around for a couple of decades, it is just now beginning to come into its own. It has recently started to gain creditability in education. I think that you will soon see more and more research surface that will help with this creditability. I like how the potential benefits and challenges were laid out in this weeks material. The article that I read, showed that students did just as well or better than the traditional face to face class even though the attitudes regarding the new experience wasn't as good. Overall, this MOOC experience has been eye opening for me. I have enjoyed learning about the history and direction of this type of learning environment. Thank you!

Concluding the Introduction to K-12 Online Learning Research MOOC

The comparative literature references above focuses solely on the supplemental K-12 online learning environment. Locate one research article that focuses specifically on comparing student performance in the full-time K-12 online learning environment with student performance in the traditional brick-and-mortar environment and critique that study.

O'Dwyers (2007) conducted a study comparing K-12 online learning versus the traditional face to face classroom in a Louisiana Algebra I course. Her main objective was to find out if the students in the online course were as effective as the face to face class. This was a quasi-experimental design that studied the impact on student outcomes. The online students actually outscored the comparison classrooms on 18 of 25 items on the post test. "Overall, students in the treatment group performed as well as  students in the comparison face-to-face classrooms" (O'Dwyers, 2007).

O'Dwyer, L. (2007). A Study of the Effectiveness of the Louisiana Algebra I Online
     Course. Journal of Research On Technology In Education, 39(3), 289-306.

Summary of International Research into K-12 Online Learning

The question coming out of this part of the MOOC, can schools built on industrial age models change to meet the requirements of the industrial age? I believe the answer to be no, and that is why we are not seeing major improvments in education. More flexibility to would serve to have better outcomes than reigd timetables and fixed locations. We are not meeting the needs of this century in the regular classrooms. I did not realize how many countries have virtual school programs available. The key success factors also provide the help for those wanted to make sure there programs are successful. The guidleines are in place now, and it is up to decision makers to do the right thing!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

International Research into K-12 Online Learning

I chose to look at the relevance of the pick & mix criteria for virtual school on the future success of my institutions future success. Listed below are the ones that I thought to be the most important for the future success and why I chose them.

1) e-Learning Strategy- Regularly updated e-Learning Strategy, integrated with Learning and Teaching Strategy and all related strategies
     It is important that programs stay up to date on the strategies.

2) Training- All staff trained in virtual school system use, appropriate to job type - and retrained when needed.
     This one should go without saying, but the last part is the most important. Retraining must be an     ongoing process.

3) Planning Annually- Integrated annual planning process for the virtual school department integrated with overall school and course planning.
     The virtual school should be just like the traditional program. Whether a one teaches online or in the traditional classroom, all schould plan together and evaluate the courses offered.

4) Technical Support to Staff- All staff engaged in the virtual school process have "nearby" fast-response technical support.
     This is critical to the success of a virtual school!

5) Decisions on Programs- There is effective decision-making for new virtual school courses across the whole school.
    Any school needs effective decision-making.

6) Leadership in eLearning- The capability of leaders to make decisions regarding virtual schooling is fully developed at departmental and school level.
    The departments and schools know what their needs are, so they should be able to make the decision on the development of the virtual school classes.

7) Reliability- The virtual school e-learning system is as reliable as the main systems students and staff are used to from their wider experience as students and citizens
    The only way you can be successful with a virtual school program, is for the computer system to be reliable.

8) Pupil Help Desk- Help Desk is deemed as best practice.
     To avoid problems and frustration, the students need to have a help desk when problems arise.